Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed here, we look forward to receiving your Message.
How do I start the training? What do I do first?
The G-WEG is rolled out in a suitable room. The senior citizens can be seated on either side of the room. Depending on the group category, I accompany the trainees from their place to the G-WEG. Once the exercise is completed, the next senior can be introduced.
How do I prepare before the first training session?
For a successful training, it makes sense to browse through the method cards in advance and bring favourite exercises to the front so that you can start directly during the training and avoid waiting times.
Why do I roll the G-WAY standing up?
Rolling off while standing is easy and gentle on the back.
Do I need training for the G-WEG? G-WEG?
For a successful implementation, we recommend an advanced training with us, as we also provide many new insights on the topic of fall prevention.
What are the stone edges for?
The stone edges increase the length of the exerciser's stride as they are crossed during the exercise. The standing leg phase is extended because the exerciser takes a step over the stone edge.
Is the G-WEG suitable for any surface?
Any surface is suitable, except carpet and meadows. Make sure that there are no sharp objects, stones etc. under the G-WEG.
What are the fields for?
The fields vary the track width when walking. There are 3 track widths available.
Is the G-WEG non-slip?
Yes, that's why it doesn't need to be glued down.
How thick is the G-WEG?
The G-WEG is approx. 4mm thick.
For whom is the G-WEG suitable?
Is the G-WEG suitable for people with dementia?
Yes. During the development, attention was paid to a surface that is familiar to us from everyday life. That is why the G-WEG was modelled on a meadow.
Who can I train with on the G-WEG?
The G-WEG is suitable for all pedestrians who can walk alone, with a walking stick, with a rollator or with the help of a carer/caregiver/therapist.
The Methodology Cards
What are the methodology cards for?
The methodology cards are the training plan. They contain exercises to be done while walking across the G-WEG. This way dual-task tasks are practised and everyday situations are simulated.
Are there different categories?
There are a total of 5 exercise categories: Basics, Single Exercises with Apparatus, Pairwise without Apparatus, Pairwise with Apparatus, Large Group Exercises.
Which methodology cards are suitable for people with dementia?
The traffic light system from easy to difficult allows to choose the methodology cards that are suitable for people with dementia.
Implementation / Training
Why do I start in the first fields on the G-WAY during training?
By starting in the first two fields, we ensure the necessary focus and a secure footing.
How can I train with residents on the rollator? Are there any tips/tricks?
Two rollators can train comfortably next to each other. Always make sure that the exercisers walk in the rollator with their gaze forward on the G-WAY.
How do I support trainees?
I always offer my support to the trainee through facilitation. This means I walk next to the trainee and offer my hand or I support with both hands behind the trainee at the pelvis.
Can I train outside with the G-WEG?
G-WEG training in the fresh air is of course recommended. Important: There must be no sharp objects under the G-WEG. It is also important to ensure a safe, straight surface.
Why do I use a Redondo ball, balloon or similar?
By compressing the Redondo ball, the muscles in the upper extremities are activated, this leads to more torso stability and is very important for a safer gait. This is described very well on the methodology card "Transport two-handed".
What is the maximum number of people I can train with?
Up to 16 people can train simultaneously in the large group. For example, in an alley set-up, so that two participants are always facing each other or sitting.
Isn't it enough to walk with senior citizens instead of practising on the G-WAY?
No, because walking does not specifically work on the senior's gait pattern. The improvement of stride length and stride speed is achieved by specifying a reproducible walking distance.
How often do I have to train with the G-WEG to achieve success with seniors?
In our study, an improvement of the gait pattern could already be achieved with 2 training sessions per week. We recommend the G-WEG training twice a week for 60 minutes in the small or large group and daily in the 10-minute activation.
Is the G-WEG a one-off investment or will there be follow-up costs?
There are one-off acquisition costs for the G-WEG.
Do I need to buy more materials?
The materials used in the categories "Single exercises with equipment" and "Pairwise with equipment" are everyday materials (paper plate, PET bottle, umbrella, ...). There are exercises that involve wearing weight cuffs on the feet.
Cleaning and care
Can I wipe or disinfect the G-WEG?
Yes, the G-WEG can be cleaned easily with a wet cloth and washing-up liquid. Because of the different disinfectants, you should test a small area in an inconspicuous place. Allow the disinfectant to evaporate before rolling up the G-WEG.
There are further questions?
Then write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.