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Here you will find all press articles and news on the topic of G-WEG. It is always worthwhile to check back regularly.
Caritasverband Kreis Soest
11. October 2023

Fall prophylaxis in the care everyday life in the Lazarus house Wuppertal

Fall prevention is extremely important in everyday care! “The G-WEG system is therefore a wonderful opportunity to respond individually to the needs and abilities of each person. The G-WEG training can be tailored to the person responsible. In order to avoid falls and the resulting injuries in the future!” Alexander Memmert, facility manager at Lazarus Haus […]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
10. October 2023

At the Hansa Seniorenzentrum St. Agnes, everyone knows G-WEG

We all know the term “walkway.” At St. Agnes, the word now has a whole new meaning! “G-WEG” is our training program for fall prevention. The targeted training reduces the risk of our residents falling and maintains their mobility, which means less care required for us. We conduct the training in the form of […]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
26. September 2023

We give the floor to our G-WEG customer of the Rummelsberger Diakonie!

STURZPROPHYLAXE is very important to us! We achieve more safety when walking through our regular G-WEG training for the residents. Of course, the fun of movement should not be neglected. Walking exercises can be carried out in three lane widths, always adapted to the needs of the residents. It becomes more difficult when you have to [...]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
14. September 2023

Fall prevention at the Caritas Center Attendorn

The G-WEG system is now used for fall prevention at the Caritas Center Attendorn. The employees of the Caritas Day Care Attendorn, Elke Kruse and Petra Nietsch, were so convinced of this concept by a joint G-WEG training that they were also able to inspire the support association of the Caritas Center Attendorn and so the G-WEG system was purchased for the Caritas Center without further ado. The fall prevention [...]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
5. September 2023


Stürze verursachen hohe Kosten. Nach einem Sturz folgt oftmals ein langer Krankenhausaufenthalt, wodurch die Belegung im Seniorenheim nicht mehr gesichert ist und die Wirtschaftlichkeit der Einrichtung abnimmt. Also besser im Vorfeld dafür sorgen, dass es erst gar nicht so weit kommt! Die Lösung: Das G-WEG System zur Sturzprophylaxe unterstützt optimal die Anforderungen der “Expertenstandards zur […]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
31. July 2023

NEW: Rollator training as in-house training in your facility

Nutzt unser neues Angebot! Eine anerkannte, praxisnahe und hochwertige Rollator-Fortbildung für Betreuungskräfte, Pflegefachkräfte und Pflegehelfer. FÜR das TEAM Effektiv – kurzweilig – zielorientiertMit individuellen Rollator-Trainingseinheiten fördert ihr aktiv die Gesundheit,Vitalität und Mobilität der Senior*innen. Die Kombination aus Bewegung und kognitiven Anforderungen ist eine große Herausforderung im Alltag. Genau da setzen wir an! Das Selbstvertrauen und die […]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
26. July 2023

“Wir gehen kein Sturzrisiko ein!” Caritas Pflegeheim Camillus-Haus Bastheim

Our goal is to improve the gait of our residents in the long term. And we practice this continuously with the G-WEG fall prevention system. Orientation and motor skills are strengthened, and the swing leg and stance leg phases are trained in equal measure. Whether in a group or in individual care, the 98 exercise cards offer us a wide range of individual exercises, tailored to everyone.
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
11. July 2023

G-WAY EXHIBITION in the Center Digital Care

The Center for Digital Care (ZDP) was ceremoniously opened in Bad Sassendorf with guests from the care, business and political sectors. Our District Administrator for the district of Soest Eva Irrgang was very interested in how our G-WEG system reduces falls in the very elderly, people with dementia and neurologically affected people and at the same time prevents serious injuries through training [...]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
15. June 2023

In-house training for caregivers at Malteserstift St. Barbara

The Malteserstift St. Suitbert in Bottrop and the Malteserstift St. Nikolaus in Duisburg brought their caregivers together. The full-day in-house training on the topic of "fall prevention and mobility training" was presented to the participants by Meggi Wiesemann in an entertaining and interactive way. With lots of fun and good humor, the time flew by. Use our expert knowledge! Whether as in-house training [...]
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