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Here you will find all press articles and news on the topic of G-WEG. It is always worthwhile to check back regularly.
Caritasverband Kreis Soest
26. July 2023

“Wir gehen kein Sturzrisiko ein!” Caritas Pflegeheim Camillus-Haus Bastheim

Our goal is to improve the gait of our residents in the long term. And we practice this continuously with the G-WEG fall prevention system. Orientation and motor skills are strengthened, and the swing leg and stance leg phases are trained in equal measure. Whether in a group or in individual care, the 98 exercise cards offer us a wide range of individual exercises, tailored to everyone.
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
11. July 2023

G-WAY EXHIBITION in the Center Digital Care

The Center for Digital Care (ZDP) was ceremoniously opened in Bad Sassendorf with guests from the care, business and political sectors. Our District Administrator for the district of Soest Eva Irrgang was very interested in how our G-WEG system reduces falls in the very elderly, people with dementia and neurologically affected people and at the same time prevents serious injuries through training [...]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
15. June 2023

In-house training for caregivers at Malteserstift St. Barbara

The Malteserstift St. Suitbert in Bottrop and the Malteserstift St. Nikolaus in Duisburg brought their caregivers together. The full-day in-house training on the topic of "fall prevention and mobility training" was presented to the participants by Meggi Wiesemann in an entertaining and interactive way. With lots of fun and good humor, the time flew by. Use our expert knowledge! Whether as in-house training [...]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
16. May 2023

At the day care center in Zeuzleben: Stay mobile with training on the G-WEG

Targeted mobility training for seniors has been offered at the day care center of the Caritas Social Station Sankt Michael in Zeuzleben since summer 2022. "It's about gaining confidence in walking," says care assistant Denise Wörner. She has studied the G-WEG intensively and completed a corresponding advanced training course. The special grid fields on the printed mat reflect a path, [...]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
11. May 2023

St. Sebastian Social Fund presents Caritas with a G-WEG

The St. Sebastian Social Fund from Bürgstadt has donated a G-WEG system to the Caritas day care center there, which enables the senior citizens to prevent falls individually and in line with their needs. This important aid was handed over to the Caritas senior citizens' facility at a ceremony. Steffi Trepper explained how she had already been using a makeshift device to carry out exercises with the guests at the day care center and [...]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
10. May 2023

Stroke victims train regularly on the G-WEG

Stroke patients have many problems that we do not recognize at first glance! In addition, a stroke is often accompanied by an increased risk of falling. Even if it does not come to a fall, there are constant uncertainties in standing and walking. Added to this is the fear of falling due to balance problems. With dual-task training on the G-WEG, motor [...]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
8. May 2023

G-WEG conquers therapy in Leipzig

3 days without a break at our booth at the Start-up Area.gait training for stroke patients, people with dementia and all the very elderly is a topic that currently occupies the physical and occupational therapists very much. They are looking for group concepts that can be individualized and do justice to the individual patient despite the group situation. With us you have found exactly the concept.Thank you for your [...]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
29. April 2023

Full success for our G-WEG system

Ihr wart fantastisch liebe G-WEG Besucher*innen der Altenpflegemesse 2023 in Nürnberg! Unfassbar die große Resonanz auf unser Sturzprophylaxe System ist. Eines ist allen klar – Stürze und Risiken werden erfasst und dokumentiert, aber was können wir tun um die Senior*innen funktionell in ihrer Mobilität zu unterstützen und Stürzen zu vermeiden? Betreuungs- und Pflegekräfte, Therapeuten und […]
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Caritasverband Kreis Soest
17. April 2023

Altenpflege2023 Wir sind dabei!

Erleben Sie unsere Innovation auf der ALTENPFLEGE 2023: “Das G-WEG STURZPROPHYLAXE-System!” Sie finden uns vom 25. April bis 27. April auf der Innovationsplattform AVENEO, der zentrale Anlaufpunkt für Investor*innen, Betreiber*innen, Innovatoren*innen und Akteure*innen der stationären und ambulanten Altenpflege aus dem In- und Ausland. Aus der Praxis – für die Praxis können Sie in unsere Sturzprophylaxe-Methodik eintauchen […]
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