Der Sozialfonds St. Sebastian aus Bürgstadt hat der dortigen Caritas-Tagespflege ein G-WEG System gespendet, das den Senior*innen eine bedarfsgerechte und individuelle Vorbeugung gegen Stürze ermöglicht. Bei einer feierlichen Übergabe wurde dieses wichtige Hilfsinstrument nun an die Caritas-Senioreneinrichtung ausgehändigt.
Steffi Trepper explained how she had already been using a makeshift to carry out exercises with the guests of the day care center and what hopes she had for this gift.
The Social Fund of St. Sebastian was founded in 2013 on the occasion of the upcoming jubilee "500 years of Sebastiani Brotherhood". The time-honored community, dedicated to prayer for one another and active care and help for the neighbor, was thus to be carried into the new era. Since then, 59 resolutions have been passed by the board of directors and the advisory board, which have meant almost 50,000 € in help for Bürgerstadt's fellow citizens, regardless of their denomination or origin. This help is given discreetly and so one hears little about the social fund.
Father Jan Kölbel and Willibald Schmalbach from the board of the Social Fund handed over the G-WEG to the Caritas nursing service manager Karola Hennig. Heinrich Almritter, board member of the Kreis-Caritasverbandes, expressed his thanks for the generous and valuable gift. Willibald Schmalbach concluded: "We wish the users a lot of fun with the exercises and a sense of achievement when they are successful.
Photo: On the G-WEG: Pastor Jan Kölbel, Willibald Schmalbach and day care guest Erika Kleist.
Photo: Kneisel, Caritas MIL